Version 3.0 (November 27, 2024):
We're excited to release Breathable 3.0, packed full of new features, fixes and improvements:
- Added support for Lock Screen widgets (circular, rectangular and inline)
- Added support for StandbyMode (uses the small widget style and customization options)
- Added dark mode and tinted mode support for the Breathable app icon
- Added full tint mode support for home screen widgets
- Added a new gradient widget style, which looks especially lovely in dark mode
- Added a new widget style selector to make customization easier/clearer
- Added all new emoji supported by Apple since last major Breathable release
- Added additional Emoji Scale sets, retired some older unused sets
- Added a refresh button to the Apple Watch app to allow for manual updates directly on Watch
- Added updated common issues to Help Center and improved FAQ list with new entries
- Improved emoji picker category UI added haptics on taps
- Improved caching and scheduling of API calls to better utilize API key limits
- Improved sharing of recent AQI data between widgets on same device
- Redesigned and modernized the Apple Watch app (requires watchOS 11 or later)
- Redesigned and overhauled macOS app to increase font sizes and modernize app layout
- Redesigned the Coordinates view for clarity and usability
- Redesigned, simplified and clarified widget configuration UI
- Redesigned and greatly simplified UI for API keys view
Please note: This is the final release of Breathable to support iOS/iPadOS 17, watchOS 10 and macOS 14. Future versions of Breathable will require iOS/iPadOS 18, watchOS 11 and macOS 15 or later.
As always, we appreciate your patience and support!
Version 2.3 (September 23, 2024):
Hello, friends! After a very long (longer than planned) hiatus, here's a minor update to get Breathable back on track. We've received lots of feedback about AQI data not showing, and so we've updated our FAQs to make it clearer how to replace expiring API keys (this is free and quick). Additionally, we've updated the minimum required versions across all platforms to more modern releases.
Version 2.2 (September 27, 2021):
- Fixed an issue where the “use pure black in dark mode” setting made dark mode widgets permanently pure black, even if you toggled the setting off. This fix required resetting that UI preference, but it works correctly now you can can toggle it again if you’d like!
- Fixed an issue where you couldn’t clear an API key if it was invalid if iCloud syncing was enabled for Breathable
Version 2.1 (September 22, 2021):
- Added support for more complications, including Modular and Utility!
- Updated Watch app initial flow to better explain how to get help with initial setup
- Added additional Watch app information to Help Center, including detailed steps for troubleshooting initial setup
Version 2.0 (September 21, 2021):
Breathable now supports Apple Watch!
- A new Breathable Watch app is available
- The Watch app shares configuration with the iPhone app, so your API keys, coordinates and API data preference will be automatically shared to Breathable on Apple Watch
- Gauge complication support for all Watch face styles (corner, circular and bezel)
- The Breathable Watch app will also show you the current value and related information if you tap the complication or launch the app directly
- If you launch the Breathable Watch app without configuring the iPhone app first, the Watch app will give you information about how to proceed
- Added some helpful Watch-related features to Help Center in the main app on iPhone if a Watch is connected
Widget improvements:
- Breathable was previously reporting the AQI data’s date as the date fetched in larger widgets, which led to user confusion: “Why is my data from 6PM today when it’s 8PM?” But sometimes API data will deliver older data if the value hasn’t changed. Instead, Breathable now reports the actual time it fetched the data, even if the data was stale. This has two benefits: First, it means you’ll always know when the last actual fetch time was, and second, this resolves a bug in the widget where you could see “Today, 8PM” past midnight into the next day. Widgets should feel more accurate, more frequently
- Both widget types now share their API data preference (done to better support Apple Watch version). Most users were likely already setting the same value for both widget types, but now the setting is shared between both
- Support for new widget sizes and futuristic versions of operating systems
- Fixed an issue widget examples in the welcome flow wouldn’t properly animate
Version 1.4 (July 26, 2021):
- Three new emoji sets, two created by Breathable user Elizabeth! (Have a fun emoji set you'd like to share with other users? Email a screenshot to
- Fix for an incorrect AQI range description in the Customize Emoji view
- Curling of non-curled quotes throughout the app
- Several accessibility improvements
Version 1.3 (July 25, 2021):
Help Center:
- Collects a few common issues and solutions in one place—right in the app—including a rare issue where Breathable doesn’t immediately show up in the system widget list (and how to solve it!)
- Added a force reload button for rare cases where a widget might not update after a UI change
- Additional links to FAQs, emailing support, and our privacy policy
API Keys:
- Required and recommended text will now only be highlighted if keys haven’t been entered/verified for those fields
Version 1.2 (July 20, 2021):
Completely overhauled the coordinates configuration view and functionality:
- When valid coordinates are entered, Breathable will now also provide a location description (for example: "Cupertino, CA") which will help you visually verify your coordinates are correct
- You can now search coordinates by typing in any part of a location—postal code, place name, or partial or full address
- Completely removed the optional ZipCodeAPI service from the app, as its no longer needed
API Keys:
- You can now verify your API keys to ensure they're entered correctly and work
- Fixed a rare case where API keys might not be properly synced to iCloud
- Prevented a possible crash when entering an API key with bad characters
- Improved tap targets in various areas of the Widget UI and Customize Emoji views
- Improved how pop-up menus work in Widget UI form
- Many future-looking improvements throughout the app for our friends living on the cutting edge of technology
- Replaced straight quotes with curly quotes throughout the app
Version 1.1 (July 8, 2021):
- Customize Emoji Scale! Choose from one of several pre-made, sometimes-goofy sets, or pick your own emoji for each value on the AQI scale
- Added a slider to the Widget UI preview so you can change the sample index and see what your widget will look like at each value
- Some visual cleanup in Widget UI settings to improve readability
Version 1.0 (June 29, 2021):
Initial release.