A free air quality index widget for iOS, iPadOS, watchOS and macOS.
All proceeds from previous sales of this app have been donated to one of several climate change foundations:
Read about what's new in version 3.0: New widget styles, lock screen widgets, StandBy support, redesigned Apple Watch app, and so much more!
Breathable is a free customizable Air Quality Index (AQI) widget for all of your devices, with support for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and macOS. Air quality has become an increasing concern for many people around the globe. While stressing about it constantly isn't necessarily helpful, the goal of Breathable is to provide a quick, glanceable answer to a new daily question: Is it safe to go outside?
Breathable can use AQI data from two services: IQAir.com (world-wide) and AirNow.gov (in the USA). Both of these services offer free accounts and API access for personal use. Breathable uses United States Air Quality Index values world-wide.
AQI is based on latitude and longitude coordinates and Breathable makes it simple to find coordinates for any area by capturing the device's current location, or by selecting a place on the world map. You can also search by postal code, place name, or partial or full address. Coordinates are only used to request AQI data and are never shared with Karbon or any other third-parties.
Customize how your widgets look by changing fonts, toggling various data points, and by using Breathable's Emoji Scale for a friendlier look at conditions. Customize Emoji Scale using one of our provided sets or choose your own emoji for each scale value.
Simply create your free API account(s), set a location, customize your widget, and add it to your device. API keys will automatically sync with iCloud, enabling a simple one-time API key setup across all of your devices.
We wish Breathable didn't need to exist. Climate change is real and devastating, and we don't have much time left to stop it from becoming irreversible. Read. Get involved. Let's protect our planet and ourselves.